
Built by accountants for accountants, our enterprise resource planning software is designed to help your team improve agility to meet sudden changes and increase data and process consistency. Our dashboards display real-time insights, so you can rely on a single source of truth to drive decisions and reduce reliance on error-prone spreadsheets by using our no-code development platform to automate your processes.

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Critical to your distribution operations, is achieving the optimal procurement and management of materials. Nextworld Procurement helps you to evaluate your buying decisions based on factors like cost, quality, lead times, and supplier reliability. We have put supplier management at the core of our solution and reduced the amount of work required of your team to generate, match, and settle invoices - all while giving you visibility into your key performance indicators. Nextworld ensures that product inventory is guaranteed for your customers while keeping your operations lean.

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The Nextworld Sales suite puts your customers at the center of your operations from the initial touch point through to sending your product out the door. In today's world of shortened lead times and readily-available information, Nextworld can help you meet and exceed your customers' expectations.

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Nextworld® Manufacturing helps companies with mixed-mode manufacturing needs. Across the same master data and applications an enterprise can confidently plan, track, consume, and execute production processes for discrete, repetitive, and process manufacturing. Increase your velocity and resource output and decrease your IT and governance spend by having a truly unified manufacturing system. Our no-code development platform empowers businesses to safely solve their unique needs while continuing to deliver the new functionality our dynamic industries demand.

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Nextworld Projects was designed by project managers who understand your unique needs. Our project-based cloud solution gives you the ability to expedite the entire project lifecycle. Our forecast project costs in real-time and provides accurate projections to stakeholders. Take advantage of expanded and flexible profit recognition options for your operational and reporting requirements. You get the agility you need.

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Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management by AMS is a comprehensive state-of-the-art equipment operations and maintenance solution for asset-intensive industries who depend on the reliability and availability of their critical equipment. EAM by AMS provides work order lifecycle capability: from entering a work request, to planning, scheduling, performing, reviewing, and closing work orders. Core to any operations organization, equipment master data management, and preventive maintenance round out the solution to ensure asset uptime and company productivity.

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Enterprise Asset Management AMS Dashboard
Security and Risk

Access to sensitive programs, combinations of access that present risk, and roles assigned to users are major components of an enterprise application compliance program. SARA checks risk points to make sure only the right people have access to the specific information they need, and security controls are evaluated. Security and Risk (SARA) by ERP-One also uses automation and workflow to direct approvers to only the records that need their attention.

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