Nextworld Solution Developer
NuVerge provides a complete winery solution built on the Nextworld platform.
Founder & CEO, Mark Goedde has relationships with the Nextworld founders dating back to their experience at J.D. Edwards. Mark was looking for the next generation of technology in the ERP industry when he learned about the founding of Nextworld.
The vision for Nextworld’s platform-first ERP approach in combination with the “familial” culture known from the J.D. Edwards ecosystem gave him the confidence to build a new company devoted to providing its customers with “software for life”.
No-code development enabled the NuVerge team to build and deliver an entire winery solution in 6 months. Rather than hire highly specialized skillsets during a tech labor shortage, the development team is comprised of a few senior developers and a group of younger developers with less concentrated skillset because of the ease of developing with no-code platforms. NuVerge was able to cut their operational costs with the time and resource savings provided by no-code.
In the same year NuVerge began developing their winery solution, the company sold and went live with its first two customers: BigHead Wines, and Copper Cane.
Thinking about building a solution on Nextworld’s no-code development platform? Learn more about our growing development partner community and how you can bring a new solution to market in a fraction of the time.